Should We Use 360 Feedback in Our Organisation?

March 24, 2023

Alex Firmin

CEO of Promethean Executive

There are few initiatives that get the pulse racing, and stress levels rising, more than 360 feedback.  Managed carefully, it can be an extremely valuable process that will lead to greater self-awareness, improved management, and better relationships.  Managed poorly it can be quite destructive; it can reduce self-confidence, and damage relationships in the organisation.  This blog considers the pros and cons of 360 feedback, and provides some guidance on how to introduce it well.

360 feedback is a performance appraisal system that gathers feedback from a variety of sources – your manager, your peers, your direct reports, and even your customers. This feedback is then used to provide you with a more comprehensive view of your performance, identifying both your strengths and weaknesses.

So, why should you care about 360 feedback? For one thing, it can help you identify blind spots and areas where you may need to improve. We all have areas where we excel, but we also have areas where we struggle. By receiving feedback from a variety of sources, you can get a more accurate picture of your performance and how you can improve.

Another benefit of 360 feedback is that it encourages self-reflection and personal development. Instead of relying solely on your manager’s feedback, you can take ownership of your personal development and use the feedback to identify areas where you can improve.

However, like any system, there are also potential drawbacks to 360 feedback. For example, collecting and analysing the feedback can be time-consuming, and there’s always the risk of bias in the feedback. Additionally, some employees may not find the feedback useful, especially if they’re new to the organization or have limited interaction with others.

But overall, if implemented effectively, 360 feedback can be a valuable tool for organizations and employees alike. It can increase accountability, encourage personal development, and ultimately drive higher levels of performance across the organization.


Top Tips

If an organisation is considering introducing 360 feedback, there are a few key pieces of advice that can help ensure the process is successful:

Have clear goals: Before introducing 360 feedback, it’s important to have clear goals in mind. What do you hope to achieve with the feedback? What are the specific behaviours or skills you want to measure? Having clear goals will help ensure that the feedback is focused and relevant.

Communicate clearly: It’s important to communicate clearly with employees about the purpose and process of 360 feedback. Be transparent about why you’re implementing it, how it will be used, and what employees can expect. This will help ensure that employees are engaged and invested in the process.  Of particular importance, make it clear whether the feedback will be used for personal development, or performance management purposes; in our experience, it’s really important that this distinction is made from the outset as if it is positioned for the former but used for the latter, the employees trust can be diminished.

Choose the right tool: There are a variety of tools and platforms available for 360 feedback, so it’s important to choose the right one for your organization. Consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, and reporting capabilities.

Train managers and employees: This doesn’t necessarily need to a comprehensive coaching course, but it’s really important that the manager giving the feedback knows how to deliver it effectively, and the employee can receive it with the right mindset.  Providing training to managers and employees can help ensure that they understand the feedback process and are equipped to provide and receive feedback effectively. This can also help minimize bias and ensure that the feedback is fair and accurate.

Follow up: Once the feedback has been collected, it’s important to follow up with employees to discuss the results and create an action plan for improvement. This will help ensure that the feedback is not just a one-time event, but a continuous process of learning and growth.

By following these tips, organisations can introduce 360 feedback in a way that is effective, transparent, and beneficial for employees and the organization as a whole.

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